10th Sep. '11
Kelvin Thompson is the Founder and Ideas Leader at MontaRosa- An Innovative Leadership company. He has held several leadership positions, including global head of the Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Officer Practice and worked as a leadership consultant on nearly every continent around the globe.
The changing role of leadership has been a widely discussed matter for nearly a decade yet, things have actually changed in a relatively tiny percentage of firms. Kelvin says that even though we are a GLOBAL society “the vast majority of people do not travel outside of their country, in the same way that THE VAST MAJORITY OF ORGANIZATIONS ARE NOT FLAT AND FAST, BUT COMPLETE HIERARCHIES.
NOW we are really starting to see firms embrace the need for change, since they are being squeezed both internally and externally, by employees and customers. Kelvin also discusses FOUR MAJOR GLOBAL TRENDS that act as catalysts for this change: URBANIZATION, CLIMATE CHANGE, DEMOGRAPHICS and KNOWEDGE GROWTH.
Even though we are now seeing the transition in both leadership and organizational structure, this does not mean we should treat it as a black and white question. This is a long transitional phase, as well as a generational shift, BUT the time of the one world leader is long gone.
Chinese (non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzgyNTcy.html