What is NO FEAR

Pekka Viljakainen

A word from the author

Pekka A. Viljakainen

I truly believe that FEAR is the biggest factor preventing us from growing as business leaders, which is strange, because the world is more open to competition and growth than ever before. Borders are open. Goods, information and assets travel freely. Even consumers have changed. We are more willing to give our TRUST to bankers, shopkeepers and media houses, even if they are no longer located around the corner. So the world is open.

My biggest fear factor as leader is related to my ability to create value for my people. Over the next 30 years I’ll probably need to recruit anywhere between 1 to 100,000 people for my teams. Most of them will belong to the PlayStation generation.

They are better educated, more social, more communicative and more international than I am. How the heck can I, as a leader, make them work for my value creation network? What do I have to change in my own behavior? How can I help them further their careers?

This project has been a long-term dream of mine. While writing this book and building the community, we tried, with all possible humility, to find some real answers and solutions. We are not trying to lecture. We’re trying to facilitate a dialogue and encourage new ways of thinking. By sharing our thoughts, we want to become a part of your value creation network.

Last, but not least: I am truly grateful for the support and ideas of my co-writers and the other contributors. What I value most about my professional life is the opportunity to work with extremely intelligent people around the world. Amazingly enough, it seems that I’ve been able to add some value to their lives, because everyone I asked agreed to contribute to this project. We’re all volunteers here and all the publishing royalties will be donated to leadership education projects in different business schools.

I also want to thank our incredibly talented team of art directors, editors, 3D animators, translators, programmers, sound engineers, system architects and video specialists.
They made all this possible.

NO FEAR. Strength and honor.

Pekka A. Viljakainen, Author, Joroinen bulldozer@nofear-community.com, Twitter: pviljakainen

Connecting Dots of MY LIFE

Starting point for business life some 20 years ago: No money, no customers, no knowledge how to run business, a lot of passion to solve these minor problems

All my life I have loved action. Some people say that I have misunderstood the purpose of sailing.

Having family changed my life for good. Seeing members of playstation generation growing is truly fascinating and rewarding.

I learned to fly helicopters. It has really educated what being focused and alerted means.

I have been blessed with truly loving and caring parents. They never tried to show me precise path but supported even with crazy ideas.

Endless discussions and presentations in front of demanding executives. This is always a moment of truth. Whether you can add value or not.

I love to think about the next step – especially when it is related to technology. Once we made a metaphor of a true dream car. What it takes to make it happen?

I have made in past 14 years about 1800 customer presentations and bigger events. Talk is cheap, but the learnings before and after the show are most valuable moments for me.

Best part of the job. Working, coaching, discussing with super talented colleagues around the world. It feels so good to learn together.

Diversity is the true beauty of life. I have been working with super talented people around the world.

Nature and roots. After seeing a lot of places, there is nothing which beats (or gets even close) the Finnish lake area. And yes, Joroinen.

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