10th Sep. '11

Video: Executive Interview- Olli Rehn, Member of the European Commission-Economic and Monetary Affairs

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Olli Rehn is a Finnish politician, currently serving as European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairspreviously having served as Commissioner for Enlargement. He has held a variety of political positions in European institutions as well as in Finland. For instance at University of Helsinki, where he led the Centre for European Studies. Later  he then  became an adviser to the Prime Minister on economic policy, a position he held until his appointment to the European Commission in 2003.

In the interview  Commissioner Olli Rehn shares with us some of the major challenges but also opportunities we have  with the Play Station generation. In Europe there is a strong education system and a well-established industrial and service sector. Yet, there is still a lot to do before Europe becomes a talent magnet for professionals and students from the rest of the world.

While it is necessary  to establish an attractive environment for the PlayStation generation it is also very IMPORTANT that we do not create  an atmosphere of XENOPHOBIA surrounding AGE.  It is clear that information is no longer as hierarchical as it used to be, and this can present both challenges and opportunities for people of all ages and in all sectors.

For More Information on Commissioner Rehn

Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olli_Rehn
Official Websitehttp://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/rehn/index_en.htm
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzAyNDI4NDEy.html



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