12th Sep. '11

Video: Executive Interview-Gopal Rajguru, Partner at Innovate+Grow Group

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Gopal Rajguru is a Innovation, leadership development & sales performance consultant and Managing Partner at the Innovate + Grow Group. The embodiment of diversity, Gopal was born and spent the first 10 years of his life in in India. He then moved and spent the next decade in the US, after which he has spent the last 24yrs working and living in Europe.

In this interview Gopal discusses how Globalization and Digitalization are breaking down cultural borders. Gopal argues that even though this interconnectivity creates awareness of cultural differences that were never previously observed, it also brings about an Equilibrium facilitated by the sharing and linking of information never before possible.

What is also changing dramatically as a result is how companies reach their target market. That being said, IN A GLOBAL WORLD GOOD LEAERSHIP IS GOOD LEADERSHIP regardless of the means of communication. IT IS STILL ABOUT THE PEOPLE!

For more information about Gopal:

Chinese( non YouTube) version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0Mzc1MDk2.html


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