12th Sep. '11

Video: Executive Interview-Marika Skärvik, CEO and Founder Mentorius, Author

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Marika Skärvik is the CEO and Founder of Mentorius as well as the Author of Inhuman Humanity (Swedish language-Omänskligt mänsklig). Marika Skärvik has more than 20 years of experience as manager and leader. Marika has won awards for her business acumen and leadership and was elected Årets Chef (Manager of the Year) in 2005. She has devoted much of her career engaging in various leadership issues and is a much sought after and popular speaker on the topic

In order to MOTIVATE and LEAD the PlayStaion generation, you need to be able to create an INSPIRING VISION and some sort of PURPOSE. This younger generation will not comply mindlessly just because they have been given an order. They want a strong leader who will challenge and guide them. At the same time, this leader must be FLEXIBLE enough to change their purpose, if and when the situation arises.

If your purpose is clear and inspiring, and your staff has spirit and drive, you have a very strong foothold to drive your business forward.

For More information about Marika

Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0Mzg4NzE2.html


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