10th Sep. '11

Video: Executive Interview-Professor Hannu Seristö, Vice President of Knowledge Networks-Aalto University

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Hannu Seristö The Vice President of Knowledge Networks, has a doctorate from the Helsinki School of Economics, where he has also worked as Professor of International Business. He has also held positions related to international business in Polar Electro Oy, Suunto Oy and Finnair, and has worked as a consultant at McKinsey.

Digital Cowboys are shortening the cycle of the way things are done. ALL THINGS.  An expert in both the academic and business sector, Professor Hannu Seristö discussed how this compacted timeframe is not only restructuring companies but academic institutions as well.

In education we need to bring into the equation: innovation, trust, excitement and inspiration-more emotional things. This is where the new generation is heading. It is no longer only about creating a standard of living for oneself and earning more money, ´´IT IS ABOUT TIME THAT WE HARNESS THE MEANING IN LIFE

For more information on Professor Seristö:

Faculty info: http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/organization/management/


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