10th Sep. '11
Video: Executive Interview-Ade McCormack, Founder of Auridian, Author and Financial Times Columnist
twitter facebook linkedinAde McCormack is the Founder of Auridian, Financial Time Columnist and Author of ‘IT Demystified’ – The IT handbook for business professionals and ‘The IT Value Stack’ –A Boardroom Guide to IT Leadership. He is an accomplished, entertaining and inspiring professional communicator, having spoken at prestigious venues in over 20 countries across the globe.
“There is A HELL OF A LOT of Big Organizations who have yet to wake up to the power of information and knowledge as an ASSET.´´ Leaders must understand the ongoing change “From the power of ME to the power of WE” i.e. how people communicate and collaborate. When it comes to leading talents there is a lot to learn from rock stars and sports agents.
Ade argues that the IT department has been under siege since its formation. Given that, the CIO is the lynch pin between the user community and the IT Industry, they have to be appropriately skilled and capable as DIGITAL LEADERS.
For more information on Ade McCormack:
Auridian: http://www.auridian.com/home.php
Blog: http://www.itbeaconblog.com/
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MTYyMTA4.html