10th Sep. '11

Video: Executive Interview -Professor John Yang, Dean at Beijing International MBA at Peking University

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

John Zhuang Yang is the Dean (U.S.), Beijing International MBA Program at Peking University the Adjunct Professor of Management, China Center for Economic Research at Peking University (CCER) and  an Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Management, Fordham University. 

Speed, quantity of information and the amount of technological breakthroughs we are experiencing are what truly define doing business in the Digital Age.  This also characterizes the issues which leaders much face in this time.  What matters is the ability to digest this information, understand it in context and comprehend the underlying dynamics. All this you must do faster than ever before.

A true leader must be able to combine the motivational methods of classical leadership and the skills needed in a flatter organizations. In order to cross these global boundaries you must develop an honourable leadership style, because without it you will not attract valuable talent. A leader must also act with honesty and transparency or else you will not generate the trust needed to develop a dynamic global team.

In order to really flourish in these times, a leader must combine the SPEED and INNOVATION of the Digital Age with GLOBAL EMPATHY.

For more information on John Yang:
Chinese (non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzAzMDY4.html


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