10th Sep. '11
Video: Executive Interview-Vincent Chen: CEO, Institute for leadership excellence
twitter facebook linkedinVincent Chen is the CEO of the Institute for Leadershio Excellence. In addition he is the Co-Founder of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Development Association and has over 25 years’ experience in business and senior management. He has held executive positions in a number of international companies and has wide and varied experience in organizational leadership and managerial practices.
Leadership today should be very different from traditional leadership, especially in China where we have what you can see as a PARENTING style of LEADERSHIP, which is more authoritative and controlled. Today and in the future we need a type of leader which FOCUSES MORE on the FOLLOWERS. Where the challenge often comes from is; the LEADER’S ability to RELINQUISH some POWER.
Instead of keeping all the POWER in their own hands LEADER’s should release some of it to there teams, and work in close cooperation at the FRONT LINES.
For more information on Vincent Chen:
Company(chinese): http://www.ilechina.com/
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzQ3OTcy.html