12th Sep. '11
Video: Executive Interview-Kari Hakola: Former SVP Tieto and Contributing Author
twitter facebook linkedinKari Hakola was a former Senior Vice President of Tieto and contributing author of the NO FEAR Book. With four decades experience as a business leader in the IT industry, Kari has extensive expertise and insight on leadership in the digital world
In Kari’s opinion, finding your role is simple -you have to use your strengths. This also fits for utilizing the Global Talents of the Play Station generation. The challenge for leaders is once you rise up in the organization you must deal with business issues on a larger scale. This can push you outside of your COMFORT ZONE, and it is so HUMAN to try to stay inside your COMFORT ZONE.
Leader’s must learn to adapt to all situation’s and challenges, since what Kari describes as being the most important lesson of the DIGITAL COWBOYS is ”DONT DELEGATE- YOU HAVE TO PARTICIPATE.”
For more information about Kari:
No Fear blog post : http://nofear-community.com/blog/2011/creativity-it-can-be-learned-it-can-be-led/
Chinese (non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzA3NTA0.html