5th Sep. '11
Michael Romeling is the founder of InsideOut and a renowned global executive coach. Inside Out is a global executive coaching firm, empowering business leaders and their teams to make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements to their performance. With 20 years experience in corporate and executive coaching, Michael has a vast amount of expertise to draw on when accessing core obstacles that prevent personal and professional growth.
In the interview Michael describes the shift from what has in previous decades been a product-oriented economy. Emphasis is now clearly on innovation – innovation thorugh people- and in order to make it happen, to find the fuel that feed it, we are going to need to make sure that indivduals become part of the balance sheet and really feel like they are a part of that change.
There is a great need for leaders in many organizations to cultivate culture and empowerment within the company. Even though it is often discussed in theory, in practice implementation is often cut short by FEAR.
In today’s society, where people are no longer constrained by office hours and cubicles, there is a great need for TRUST. Leaders must develop a HANDS OFF APPROACH, within set boundaries, which allows people to grow.
To Find out more about Michael and InsideOut:
Company Site – http://www.insideout.biz/
BIO– http://www.insideus.com/coach/europe/michael_romeling
Chinese(non YouTube )Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzI4Nzgw.html