1st Sep. '11

Video:Executive Interview-Bill Fischer Contributing Author and Professor at IMD

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Bill Fischer, DBA is Professor of Technology Management at IMD and Contributing Author of the NO FEAR Book. Professor Fischer has been actively involved in technology-related activities his entire professional career. He has won several awards for teaching excellence from the American Institute of Decision Sciences, and in case writing from the European Foundation for Management Development.  IMD – International Institute for Management Development is consistently top ranked among business schools worldwide. With more than 60 years’ experience, IMD takes a real world, real learning approach to executive education.

In this interview Bill Fischer touches upon the most significant differences between Digital Cowboys and previous generations and MORE importantly how leadership and education needs to change to accommodate them.

Bill  states that historically organizations go to GREAT lengths and pay  PREMIUM t0 hire GREAT people, and then turn these people into AVERAGE PERFORMERS. Digital Cowboys will not accept this model of MEDIOCRITY.  All our lives and those of previous generations it has been about holding on to people, I think in the FUTURE we will see less emphasis on holding on to people and MORE emphasis on SHARING THE RIDE, a free agent mentality.

Faculty Profile:http://www.imd.org/about/facultystaff/fischer.cfm
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/bill_fischer
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0Mjg0MjM2.html


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