15th Aug. '11

Video: Executive Interview Marten Mickos- CEO of Eucalyptus Systems and Contributing author

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Contributing author Marten Mickos is the CEO of Eucalyptus Systems, the leader in open source cloud computing platforms for on-premise use. A highly successful entrepreneur Marten has been recognized with both the Audemars Piguet “Changing Times Award: European Entrepreneur of the Year 2006” and the Nokia Foundation Award.

From Marten’s point of view one of the biggest problems we face in orgs is our resistance to change. As Marten states `It is a very small proportion of the worlds population which is embracing change-THEY of course are the WINNERS of Tomorrow.´ He claims that it is not our ability to change which is the problem, since we can learn new things everyday, it is RESISTANCE to change which gets in the way.

Marten defines culture as being one of the most important factors in an organization. `Company culture determines how the organization really operates´. The culture does not change by a command and control. It changes through the behaviours of leaders and their teams. As stated clearly by Marten `Company culture is something that happens- you cant dictate it.´

BIO: http://www.eucalyptus.com/about/team

Follow him on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/#!/martenmickos

Chinese(non YouTube Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzkxNTQw.html

You can read Marten’s Insights on the Leadership  and the PS Generation in the NO FEAR Book- Chapter 7: Technology your Savior or you Nemesis


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