15th Aug. '11
Martha Maznevski is the MBA program director at IMD, one of the top MBA programs in the world. In her interview Ms. Maznevski discusses how Digital Cowboys are driving the next stage of globalization, which is reshaping business and education.
”I am jealous of them”, Ms. Maznevski states, referring to the PlayStation Generation. They have grown up and flourished in a world that is globally interconnected. “They take for granted interdependence, they take for granted connectedness. They take them for granted in a manner thata would require a mind shift in us of the older generation.”
She highlights the non-linear perspective of the Digital Cowboys as being one of the most important lessons we can learn for the PlayStation Generation. “Since they work in non-linear ways, they have non-linear views of the world.”
Digital Cowboys are challenging the education system itself – “They force us to look beyond our as
sumptions of what teaching is and what teaching materials need to look like.”
Bio: http://www.imd.org/about/facultystaff/maznevski.cfm
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/marthamaznevski
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzI1ODg0.html