15th Aug. '11

Video: Executive Interview Sacha Alexander Zackariya- CEO, Change Group International Plc

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Sacha Alexander Zackariya is the CEO and founder of ChangeGroup. Established in 1992, ChangeGroup has rapidly grown to become one of the leading global Foreign Exchange businesses. As recipients of the esteemed Investors in People -award, their focus on leadership education, as well as their dedication to their employees, is perfectly in line with the NO FEAR message.

One factor that differentiates ChangeGroup from many other organizations is the fact that becoming an international organization was a part of their plan from the very beginning.  In his interview, Sacha tells us about how their dedication to leadership education played an integral role in realizing this plan.

High levels of communication and digital connectivity are essential for maintaining synergy in today’s large global organizations. Technology allows leaders to receive, analyze and provide feedback on company data, on a global basis, within a couple of hours.

Technology, communication and investment in people can give even the biggest global companies that start-up spark and energy that leaders seek.


For more info on The Change Group  check out: http://www.changegroup.com/

Chinese (non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzQ0NzYw.html


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