15th Aug. '11

Video: Executive Interview Peter Sondergaard- Senior Vice President Global Research GARTNER

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Peter Sondergaard is the Senior Vice President of Gartner Research, one of the world’s leading organizations for IT industry research and CIO consulting. During his 22 years at Gartner, Mr. Sondergaard has held various roles, including Head of Research for the Technology & Services Sector, Hardware & Systems Sector, Vice President and General Manager for Gartner Research EMEA.

In this video Peter discusses the most significant issues faced by CIOs and other leaders today and in the future. He outlines FOUR main challenges that have the biggest impact on CIOs, two of which are driven by the PlayStation Generation – MOBILE and SOCIAL. These are part of a cultural revolution that a CIO must embrace. The revolution can bring about epic OPPORTUNITIES or epicFAILURE.

In order to succeed, a company must develop a cultural environment that attracts global talent. “We are not at all prepared for Globalization 2.0, since we operate based on our own cultural heritage,’’Peter states. Innovation hierarchy must be BROKEN down. “INNOVATION HAS BEEN DEMOCRATIZED,” Peter says. It will happen anywhere in the world, as long as you have the right combination of people, creativity, culture and opportunity.

INNOVATION happens anywhere and you have to be prepared to grab it, accept, evolve it and assume that it changes constantly!” – Peter Sondergaard

For more information check out:
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MzMyOTky.html


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