23rd Aug. '11

Video: Executive Interview- Alexey Mordashov, CEO Severstal Group

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

In this interview we talk with Alexey Mordashov-Алексей Александрович Мордашов, CEO of the Severstal Group. Founder of Severstal, Mordashov is a self made billionaire ranking in Forbes list of wealthiest people. A prominent figure in the Steel and Mining  Sector, Mordashov touches upon numerous issues facing leaders in all areas of business.

Mordashov states “I have learned TOGETHER with the DIGITAL COWBOYS that, it is necessary to be  FLEXIBLE and FAST MOVING, especially in today’s world.´´ He claims that even in an industry as Classical or Old Fashioned as Steel and Mining  it is unrealistic to think we will not be affected by these changes.

Another important issue discussed by Mordashov is the decrease in cultural differences around the world. He argues that, though it is important to pay attention and pay respect to local norms,THERE IS MUCH MORE IN COMMON BETWEEN CULTURES THAN IS COMMONLY PERCEIVED´´

We are all Humans, and what drives us in RUSSIA is pretty much what drives us in the US as well.

Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Mordashov
Chinese(non YouTube)Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0MTU2NTA0.html


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