10th Sep. '11
Video:Executive Interview- Frank Ferguson, Founder and Chairman or Curriculum Associates
twitter facebook linkedinFrank Ferguson is the Chairman and founder of Curriculum Associates, Inc. Frank is an active investor and member of the board or an advisor for several other companies, including: EdTech Networks, Way Systems, Net Clarity, and DigitalBrix. He has been president of several corporations, including Bose Corporation for seven years.
With extensive expertise on education and the materials used, Frank claims that the effects of rapid digitalization will increase in scope. He states “The PlayStation generation has changed the expectations of students, and it can be expected that there will be a MONUMENTATL SHIFT in HOW SCHOOLS OPERATE´
Frank advises us that the way to deal with and attract PlayStation generation is to SIMPLY create an environment they want to be in. We can no longer force people into institutions.
For more information on Frank and CA:
Bio: http://www.walnutventures.com/site3/individual.php?id=13
Company: www.CAInc.com.
Chinese(non YouTube) Version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA0Mjg2Mzcy.html