10th Sep. '11

Video:Executive Interview Philipp Rosenthal: Future Office Evangelist Tieto and Contributing Author

A post by Sabrina (No Fear community coordinator)

Philipp Rosenthal is a marketing and industry sales professional  and NO FEAR contributing author. In his current role as ‘Future Office Evangelist’ he is leading Tieto’s international solutions area for the digital workplace of information and knowledge workers.In the book Philip discussed the emergence of the social corporation as networks integrate themselves into traditional hierarchies. In his interview Philip further expands on the challenges and opportunities it will present to current leadership practices.

Philipp argues that NETWORKS are in fact MUCH STRONGER than HIERARCHIES. This is because networks can combine multiple perspectives and professions to a solution, recommendation or whatever it is you might need to solve a challenge. Your vast power as a leader will not derive from knowing EVERYTHING, but, knowing EVERYBODY.

According to Philipp, the understanding of the role of the leader has changed. Leaders must, in a way, FORSAKE some of their traditional POWER. There is, however no LOSS since,   WHAT THEY GAIN WILL BE SO MUCH MORE.

Find more insights from Philip in Chapter 3 of the NO FEAR Book

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